blogging straight and true since 2005
"I shall here write my thoughts without order, and not perhaps in unintentional confusion; that is true order, which will always indicate my object by its very disorder. I should do too much honour to my subject, if I treated it with order, since I want to show that it is incapable of it" (Pascal, Pensees 373).
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"The heritage of values which has been received and handed down is always challenged...To challenge does not necessarily mean to destroy or reject a priori, but above all to put these values to the test in one's own life, and through this existential verification to make them more real, relevant and personal, distinguishing the valid elements in the tradition from false and erroneous ones, or from obsolete forms which can be usefully replaced by others more suited to the times" (John Paul II, Centesimus Annus).
"If there were no obscurity, man would not be sensible of his corruption; if there were no light, man would not hope for a remedy. Thus, it is not only fair, but advantageous to us, that God be partly hidden and partly revealed; since it is equally dangerous to man to know God without knowing his own wretchedness, and to know his own wretchedness without knowing God" (Pascal, Pensees 686).
Cryptography is the study of means of converting information from comprehensible form into an incomprehensible format--the art of encryption. In the past, cryptography helped ensure secrecy in important communications, such as those of spies.
Icon (n): a graphic symbol that denotes a program or a command or a data file or a concept in a graphical user interface; a visual representation of an object or scene or person or abstraction produced on a surface; a religious image on a small panel--venerated in the Eastern Church.
If I could through myself / Set your spirit free / I'd lead your heart away / See you break, break away / Into the light / And to the day.
Svjatyj Bozhe, Svjatyj Krjepkij, Svjatyj Bezsmertnyj, Pomiluj nas.
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07 december 2005
So.... Thats what is going to happen to Crunks presentation tomarrow?
no, muki, thats what is going to happen to crunk.
you finally say something i can agree with
Yes, Matt. I believe the person/persons you are referring to are abortionists. They kill 4,000 innocent people in the United States every day and are called heroes for it.
before all this it seemed like a logical plan. kill the 'fetus', get the stem cells, defeat cancer
We forgot one thing
we dont have the power, we weren't designed to have it, and only through God can we achieve it.
I think one reason we want all this stuff is bcuz we've lost hope in tomorrow, we live to die in the today, and long for the yesterday
I believe the reason is simply convenience; the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. It is the mindset of the culture we live in. Women have abortions because they do not want to be inconvenienced by a child, to financially support a child, to have the responsibility of raising the child, to have the embarassment of a pregnancy out of wedlock, and if they choose to put the child up for adoption, the cost of the pregnancy itself. Some women will have to stop going to school to have their babies. It is in the name of convenience that women decide to kill thier children. Self sacrifice is no longer considered a virtue but a vice. Abortionists say that they are working for women, but it is only to gain a massive amount of profit. Embryonic stem cell research has shown no success in experimentation thus far, whereas adult stem cell research has. The reason abortionists promote the research is not only because they hope to find cures for cancer, etc., but because of the profit they make from selling embryos. We live in a materialistic culture of selfishness. We should pray for our country.
Who did they drop the bombs on again? Not the Japanese Tyrants.. Innocent Civilians.
Please back your statement of them being brave up with facts and reasons. It would be an interesting arguement.
todesengel i think that was your best comment i really wanna see wut the texan puts next
Great picture...
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