blogging straight and true since 2005
"I shall here write my thoughts without order, and not perhaps in unintentional confusion; that is true order, which will always indicate my object by its very disorder. I should do too much honour to my subject, if I treated it with order, since I want to show that it is incapable of it" (Pascal, Pensees 373).
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"The heritage of values which has been received and handed down is always challenged...To challenge does not necessarily mean to destroy or reject a priori, but above all to put these values to the test in one's own life, and through this existential verification to make them more real, relevant and personal, distinguishing the valid elements in the tradition from false and erroneous ones, or from obsolete forms which can be usefully replaced by others more suited to the times" (John Paul II, Centesimus Annus).

"If there were no obscurity, man would not be sensible of his corruption; if there were no light, man would not hope for a remedy. Thus, it is not only fair, but advantageous to us, that God be partly hidden and partly revealed; since it is equally dangerous to man to know God without knowing his own wretchedness, and to know his own wretchedness without knowing God" (Pascal, Pensees 686).

Icon (n): a graphic symbol that denotes a program or a command or a data file or a concept in a graphical user interface; a visual representation of an object or scene or person or abstraction produced on a surface; a religious image on a small panel--venerated in the Eastern Church.

If I could through myself / Set your spirit free / I'd lead your heart away / See you break, break away / Into the light / And to the day.

Svjatyj Bozhe, Svjatyj Krjepkij, Svjatyj Bezsmertnyj, Pomiluj nas.
Recent posts
06 december 2005
I am surprised Macho lived to come to school this morning. I am surprised Tdw just drove away without taking Macho's head off.
didn't he know about the fury? that you just don't play around the fury?!!??
fyi, there were other people playing and anyone could have done it by accident just like macho. come on guys, give him a break. if you had accindently done something like that you would probaly feel bad about it and no one wants it rubbed in. it was completely unintentional.
Anonymous again. -.- Learn to post on your profiles.
Yeah i feel sorry of Id. I am seeing trouble with the presentation tomarrow.
Maybe TdW will be merciful and allow them to pass anyway even with Crunks...... Mistake.
For* in place of "of"
How truly Christian of you. What a wonderful example you set for all of us youngsters. ;) If "the perpetrator" can't pay for all of the damage himself, maybe the rest of us can help.
She wasn't planning to kill "the perpetrator"...somehting about garden sheers?
Yea but it shows the resilence and stength of egyptian structures. we built that baby for situations like this. either rain,sleet, or snow. hurricanes, nuclear meltdowns, or "auntie Em its a" twisters. earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, nuclear weapons, asteroids, such monsters as tommy or GODZILLA. Its still standing baby a testament to what was, and what is, and what always will be.
TdW surprise, surprise that baby is never breaking you could run it over with your car. just go easy on the ramming it might break the hood. lol
How can he drive down the amazon now?!?!
he won't let go of the fury. no indeed. if you think he will, don't underestimate his stubborness
Gee funny comin from a freshMAN
theres a good explanation for that you see i.. uh well... what had happened was... see it went like this... what it was, was... well yea you get the picture. I was preoccupied with certain events that made it a hindrance to attend your fabulous candle lighting ceremony. I just wanted to give the correct impression of our freshman class
Exscuse my incorrect spelling of freshman what i meant was..
@ tegendewereld
Tegen I am sorry for the part of the comment that concerned your car
"you could run it over with your car. just go easy on the ramming it might break the hood. lol"
That was not funny and I apologize for it. If that was my car I would be very mad at that comment, and I am surprised that you did not ban me for it. Anyway I just wanted to apologize for it. I'm sorry :(
edited version
Yea but it shows the resilency and strength of egyptian structures. we built that baby for situations like this. either rain,sleet, or snow. hurricanes, nuclear meltdowns, or "auntie Em its a" twisters. earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, nuclear weapons, asteroids, such monsters as tommy or GODZILLA. Its still standing baby, a testament to what was, and what is, and what always will be.
TdW surprise, surprise that baby is never breaking no matter wat.
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