blogging straight and true since 2005
"I shall here write my thoughts without order, and not perhaps in unintentional confusion; that is true order, which will always indicate my object by its very disorder. I should do too much honour to my subject, if I treated it with order, since I want to show that it is incapable of it" (Pascal, Pensees 373).
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"The heritage of values which has been received and handed down is always challenged...To challenge does not necessarily mean to destroy or reject a priori, but above all to put these values to the test in one's own life, and through this existential verification to make them more real, relevant and personal, distinguishing the valid elements in the tradition from false and erroneous ones, or from obsolete forms which can be usefully replaced by others more suited to the times" (John Paul II, Centesimus Annus).

"If there were no obscurity, man would not be sensible of his corruption; if there were no light, man would not hope for a remedy. Thus, it is not only fair, but advantageous to us, that God be partly hidden and partly revealed; since it is equally dangerous to man to know God without knowing his own wretchedness, and to know his own wretchedness without knowing God" (Pascal, Pensees 686).

Icon (n): a graphic symbol that denotes a program or a command or a data file or a concept in a graphical user interface; a visual representation of an object or scene or person or abstraction produced on a surface; a religious image on a small panel--venerated in the Eastern Church.

If I could through myself / Set your spirit free / I'd lead your heart away / See you break, break away / Into the light / And to the day.

Svjatyj Bozhe, Svjatyj Krjepkij, Svjatyj Bezsmertnyj, Pomiluj nas.
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19 november 2005
Do you think Bono may be trying to get some point across? I don't know...something having to do with peace maybe? Ahhh...whatever
whoa close up pic nice tegen
IN 1999 SONO should have believed that AID was not right thing to puish at Third World!
Now it might take to real all this much in 2005
In the wide spectrum of life that we inherit especially in Muslim Regions which are enviro[n]mentally more superior over the reat especially White Governed World because of the righteousness that accompanies the belief ,ethics ,life and works of the inhabitants in this behalf.
The pain and suffering we encounter reminds us of the good times we had because then we are also using a free ride as on earth because Muslims entrust thier soal and life back to Allah! The Almighty Great Creator Lord and HE has promised us thus we will InShahAllah again return here in another space and time or same space and time and looks and story!
The Civil War and suffering that Sudan is bearing is a fallout of natural series of rulers asceeding one after another,the full story is available www.shahzadasher7.blogspot.com ..regimes what i call them for? and why the Bureaucrats and Press who arn't owning up and adding pressure/strength instead of reviewing sympathetically ,just as Brother Musa's grievience increases and Brother Ahmed Bashirs resistance and call for reason increases harshness at levels where the Press and Bearuacrats use International Connections at 12/22 K and the 'footgraggers' [loafers] from Rueter or BBC hanging around YCMAs .The Local Citizens are real losers then? While the rural take everyboth harshness famine and war refugees? You are a Aid Worker and you can tell that still the Foriegn Agencies and Banks are using a card to exploit Africans in name of Poverty and Lesser Culture in Western Circles and even punish Africa for the push after 1993 End of USA USSR Cold wars where senior Western Europeanised Partners like Turkey and Pakistan did not move up and take charges of Information Broadcasting and International Money Channelling and Affairs of Social Personal Property Etc and The New West Central Asian Nations faced a oblivion part trivial while Western Book Sellers and Publishers stole charges over thier History and Culture and Tourism Information and finally CIA or George BUSH or in thier name someone blocked the complete Oil Pipeline affair of Kazakistan and installed a war at AzerbaiJan and then USA landed thier fighting Saudi Rebels and took over nine countries in the region. [ Kazakistan Pipeline that has been blocked from taking pipeline to Europe through Turkey.]which has more oil deposit than Saudi Arabia or US and rest world when it comes to the union of Central Asia.
I personally regard your[was talking to an Aid Worker] sacrifice and believe that Darfur has no Radio TV facility yet to completely cover a full business day with UNO or interpret the day to day Government of World but the minister wants money like a king..
You must discuss affairs of Telephone and Fax and Westen Union Money Wire etc..and Banking whether Africa is allowed direct free channelling of its own funds or a European has to intermediate because already UNO could give you a Western Effect and we have to respect that and also respect this as what is the Western Effect expecting us to do and with what!
So when we have taken the world we will make peace or things will worsen only..
The Westen OCCIDENTAL world is running and OURS has to begin out from the subservient bureacrats who SHOULD start believing by now! Pakistan,Nigerea,Tanzania could not help African Process as because yet the milky spoon is wet in thier mouths.. AFRICA! AFRICA!
Shahzada Sher Saddozai
Graphic Technologist and World Statesman.
At , Shahzada Sher Saddozai said...
The AFRICAN NATIONAL CONFERENCE is needed as Regional placement of The Conditions of Sudan do not match Nigerea and Tanzania who only want money out from Intrnational Agencies. I can guarantee Bro Abbasino to visit Paris and Announce 'Democratisation 'use my referall www.geocities.com/greatglobalist/globalisation.htm and invite me infact im sitting online and his Islamabad Amabassador is an able person who have already visited this city with few other Dignitaries . But Sudan Somalia rank differently and more with Western African Summit .........Africa! Africa!
Shahzada Sher Saddozai
Graphic Technologist World Statesman..
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