blogging straight and true since 2005
"I shall here write my thoughts without order, and not perhaps in unintentional confusion; that is true order, which will always indicate my object by its very disorder. I should do too much honour to my subject, if I treated it with order, since I want to show that it is incapable of it" (Pascal, Pensees 373).
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"The heritage of values which has been received and handed down is always challenged...To challenge does not necessarily mean to destroy or reject a priori, but above all to put these values to the test in one's own life, and through this existential verification to make them more real, relevant and personal, distinguishing the valid elements in the tradition from false and erroneous ones, or from obsolete forms which can be usefully replaced by others more suited to the times" (John Paul II, Centesimus Annus).

"If there were no obscurity, man would not be sensible of his corruption; if there were no light, man would not hope for a remedy. Thus, it is not only fair, but advantageous to us, that God be partly hidden and partly revealed; since it is equally dangerous to man to know God without knowing his own wretchedness, and to know his own wretchedness without knowing God" (Pascal, Pensees 686).

Icon (n): a graphic symbol that denotes a program or a command or a data file or a concept in a graphical user interface; a visual representation of an object or scene or person or abstraction produced on a surface; a religious image on a small panel--venerated in the Eastern Church.

If I could through myself / Set your spirit free / I'd lead your heart away / See you break, break away / Into the light / And to the day.

Svjatyj Bozhe, Svjatyj Krjepkij, Svjatyj Bezsmertnyj, Pomiluj nas.
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- Fernand Leger, La Ville, 1919
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- And last, but not least, PNVK #9, latitude 90° 00'...
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02 september 2005
haha i got first comment. thats a coolpic. what is it anyway???
how much are the gasoliine prices supposed to go up;or down,we wish
oil companies gettin' rich.
This country is a joke right now there is no reason for this trash.
The Politicians are making money hand over fist using the excuse of the hurricane.
Lets rebuild other countries while our own is in shambles. -.-
it's all oil people getting rich, biggest profits ever, and working people gettin beat. anybody remember where GW and kin make there money?
nice blog
yea-- having to drive from raleigh to rolesville everyday and back is totally a strech-- and then we have to drive up to Ohio pulling a horse trailer-- -which by the way sucks down more gas that ever-- will be tons of fun!!!-- no
it'd be nice if someone found out how to make an engine thatuses stuff that will always be here,sort of like water
you've got that right
other places have like $5.00 a gallon, so were sort of lukcy. But its still pretty bad,considering..
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