28 juni 2007
25 juni 2007
24 juni 2007
22 juni 2007
"Mamusiu, przeciez ja bylem grzeczny, ciemno, ciemno..." ("But Mommy, I was a good boy, it's dark, it's dark...")
Last words of a child being shut in a gas chamber at Belzec in 1942, from the statement of surviving prisoner Rudolf Reder
Last words of a child being shut in a gas chamber at Belzec in 1942, from the statement of surviving prisoner Rudolf Reder
20 juni 2007
18 juni 2007
16 juni 2007
Tegen's tip: "Rappaport’s Testament" is based upon a story from Moments of Reprieve: A Memoir of Auschwitz, by Primo Levi. The tale is a testament to human dignity, to the fact that, in the most horrible circumstances, human beings retain their humanity.