31 augustus 2005
30 augustus 2005
And last, but not least, PNVK #9, latitude 90° 00' N:
the North Pole
"Fire and Ice"
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Robert Frost (1923)
PNVK #4, latitude 53° 26' N: Dublin, birthplace (1729) of
Edmund Burke, author of seminal work on modern political
29 augustus 2005
28 augustus 2005
"Too late have I loved you, O Beauty so ancient, O Beauty so new. Too late have I loved you! You were within me but I was outside myself, and there I sought you! In my weakness I ran after the beauty of the things you have made. You were with me, and I was not with you. The things you have made kept me from you - the things which would have no being unless they existed in you! You have called, you have cried, and you have pierced my deafness. You have radiated forth, you have shined out brightly, and you have dispelled my blindness. You have sent forth your fragrance, and I have breathed it in, and I long for you. I have tasted you, and I hunger and thirst for you. You have touched me, and I ardently desire your peace."
Memorial of St. Augustine of Hippo, Bishop and Doctor, 28 August